Sunday, October 24, 2010

Autumn Bliss

This really is an amazing plant.  It's supposed to be an autumn fruiting raspberry but ours starting fruiting towards the end of June and have continued uninterrupted until now, when the last dozen or so berries are there.  M and I agree that raspberries are our favourite fruit.  For the past two and a half months we've had a decent serving of raspberries once a week and during a few weeks twice a week or enough for a large batch of ice-cream.  I didn't even cut them back as I was supposed to in February and they still rewarded me with masses of fruit.

Last weekend Dad brought me some more canes and we made room in a vegetable bed for them.  I hope they do as well.  As one of my cousins said once when she was little, "I will be gooder!"  I shall make a big effort to cut the canes down next February, if that is what they like.

I have to admit to a hint or irony in the title of the blog.  Autumn is not being very blissful for me this year, unfortunately.  I've been snowed under with work I don't get paid for and today the inevitable happened - I tried to put together a top-up delivery of pots and found several things have now totally run out.  Hoping very much to be able to do pottery work Wednesday - Saturday next week, but it'll be a bit of  drop in the ocean :(

In order not to end on a gloomy note, it's a year since you'll have been treated to a photo of the red hot pokers in my garden so it's probably time for another one.  This one is hot out of the camera this morning.  Enjoy!

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